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sunday's sermon

sunday chris and i were able to sit in the service, what a treat! the youth pastor spoke and at the end of his message he played this video. it's 7 mins, so grab a cup of coffee....

it brought me to tears. not because as most video's are designed to trigger that emotional response which leaves you a temporary feeling of extreme emotion, but doesn't change you one iota. the words in this video have stayed with me all week

i was brought to tears for several reasons.

1-it brought me back to a time of utter anguish and for 1 tiny second, i felt that prickle of pain stab through my heart sunday morning. i never want to go back there again.

2- with out going into deets. our church is taking a beating, it's rough. taking a stand is brutal

3-being in leadership is not for the weak. chris and i have taken a beating. we refuse to settle, we refuse to play church. our standards are high.

4-i let my passion for children's ministry slip. i have taken on an attitude of "no one else cares, why should i?" it happened bec i kept my eyes on what was happening around me.

5- do i REALLY want to be broken to a place of utter anguish again? do i want to take the pain? do i want my life to breath children's ministry once again? i realise that if the enemy can get to me and knock me down, he will get to chris.

6- i do want to be happy, i do want to please people, i want others to like me...and by choosing to care about how others feel about me i am automatically stepping away from the call god has given us. i can not serve man and god. it won't work.

7-it's time for me to step back up to the plate. passion for god, for chris, my family, my church.


Janis said...

RIGHT ON!!! Hang in there girl--the good Lord has something great in store for you & Chris!!! Don't let satan get in your face--when he does give him a swift kick in the you know where. Will be praying for you.