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not nice shirt

dad, this is the close up
perspective (ignore dirty kitchen sink that wasn't cleaned yet)
tue morning i went to put this shirt on nate. i was about to put it over nate's head when he said
"no mommy. not nice, not wear"
i was like hu??
so i tried again and nate said
"mommy, no wear bad shirt. not nice. not good"
hu? so i asked nate why is it not nice, not good?
he pointed to the tiny skull in the middle of the shirt
that's right nate. not good. not nice. don't tell me that they are to young to understand good from bad, dark from light. out of the mouth of kids comes the truth. sometimes kids know better than us adults


Shannon said...

Wow, go Nate! Way to go, Melanie & Chris (Proverbs 22:6).