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my interview with nate

i found some questions yesterday to ask nate this morning. i laughed my butt off. his answers are exactly what he said. i changed nothing. some of the answers were "ouchie" but i am posting them anyways.

he also answered every question this way...e.g

1- what is something i always say to you? he would respond "1 thing my mommy would always say to me is this......."

he answered every question by repeating the question back to me, which i did not bother typing out.... haha

here we go

1. What is something mommy always says to you? do not play with knives

2. What makes you happy? a kiss and a hug

3. What makes you sad? i dunno

4. What makes you laugh? he just laughed. no response

5. How old are you? 2

6. How old is Mommy? 3

7. How old is Daddy? 4

8. What is your favorite thing to do? play in the snow

9. Who is your best friend? quinn and bebe charlotte grace

10. Where do you want to go when you grow up? Disneyworld!

11. What are you really good at? listening to music and t.v!

12. What are you not very good at? hitting, throwing toys and kicking. i'm getting better at that

13. What did you do today? play in the snow

14. What is your favorite food? noodles and sauce with a fork. not a spoon. a fork

15. What is your favorite song? oh canada!

16. What do you want for (holiday or birthday) this year? work bench!

this is funny. after he tells me he said mommy, i show you what i want. then he takes me down stairs to where we (thought well) hid nate's christmas gift, a work bench....he KNOWS where it is. haha

17. What is your favorite animal? a lion RAWARRRRRRRRRRR

18. What is love? it means i love you
then he gave me a huge hug and a wet kiss

19. What does mommy/daddy do for work? mommy- he runs to the VACUUM and says you push this and say pick up the toys! daddy- he goes to work to makes money for mommy to spend...

yep. that's what he said. i am raising him well

20. Where do you live? in oh canada, new brunswick, moncton at 32 savannah dr

21. Where is your favorite place to go? nanna and poppa's and DISNEYWORLD in florida!


Shannon said...

hahahahaha. I don't think he could get any cuter! Outta the mouths of babes. :)

Anonymous said...

man...what a sweetie...makes me want to just give him a big him....

hugs Mel

Veronique said...

First of all..I was laughing when I read your title because I knew it would be funny! I was right.. lol.. That kids cracks me up everytime I see him! lol.. I`m still giggling as I type this. heehehe

Anonymous said...

Love to redsy your interview.and you all in oh Canada new brounswick.