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nate putting a puzzle together...looking at wee bit like his daddy....
"reading" to daddy... he read d-o-g means dog! he's actually getting quite good at reading
morning activity...while i brows the flyer's, i gave nate the toys r us flyer, a pair of scissors and a glue stick. he was to cut out all the toys he wanted, then glue them on a pc of paper to make a book...
funny story...i went to the mall with a friend this pm. when i came back he asked "mommy, where are my toys?" i asked him "what toys?" he said " the toys that i cut out of the flyer" haha he thought i was going to the mall to buy all the toys he cut out...hardly buddy boy hardly...
my little warrior!
" i am going to kill you!" hu? i asked him "what" then he said "i am going to kill you with my sword" hu? where is he getting this violence? so i asked him "what are you saying?" he said " i am going to kill you with my sword. i am david, i kill the giant"
that's it. no more bible storied for you!
and that's us in our little world


wk-eigenheer said...

Love your blogs and your cute kid!

Ursi said...

Funny how they pick up the oddest things. A couple of weeks ago Katie was right into maya's space and when I ask her what she was doing so said "I was trying to kill her". Well she got a talking to/explaining about that one. I still don't know where she got the whole idea from.

Veronique said...

lol...What a cutie that Nathaniel!!!!! And he definitly looks like his daddy :)