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see what i have to put up with today? he's a wee but allergenic to something and redic cranky to contend with. nap today? yes please!

2 days ago nate decided to draw on my wall, out of defiance. he knows he is not to do this and this is the first time he did it, knowing what he did was wrong. he was disciplined and one of his punishments was to clean it all off himself

it took "forever" waaaaaa but he did it. every last bit of it!

look! my roses made it after the snow! i was so happy to find it yesterday morning, yeahhhhh!!!

nate was working on his construction site. he hauled all the wood from out back in his wagon

and built his shed

talking the whole time "this goes here and that goes there and this will do that and that is this"

then we went to find daddy for a coffee

ummmm where's nate?

there he is

yea, i let him play in the fountain, what a cool mom i am

strip him down to his underwares (nate calls them his underwares so cute) , have him sit on a bag and voila. fun afternoon


nate funny

nate asked what a joke was. i tried to explain it, then he asked me to tell him one that he would understand. so i did and this is what happens when you try to tell a joke to a mini chris

m-why did the chicken cross the road?

n-why? why would it want to go?

m- nate. why did the ckn cross the road?

n-do chicken's have legs? or feet? do they walk or hop? they don't cross roads, they don't read road signs, they don't want to cross the street. this does not make sense. ask me a question that is real

m-it's a joke nate.

n-this is silly. chickens don't cross roads, they just don't. tell me a new joke


typical chris


Shannon said...

hahahaha I loved the "Nate funny" for today:)

Crystal said...

I can totally hear him asking you all the questions about the joke. I wouldnt be able to get the joke finished with quinn either... he would be running around the house looking for something "chicken looking", so he could act it out, and walk accross the street dressed as a chicken... how is it possible that drama kid is mine?? LOL