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nate stories!

nate fell asleep last night. in what i call dead sleep. the kind that NOTHING wakes him. i took a pic cause he looks so funny. ha

he's sleeping with his necessities. his leapster, his book, his containers for the goo. the goo in a plastic nag (that he put it in) the x-box, box???? and his blanket. that he calls "hot chocolate"???NO idea why...

2 funny nate stories!!

sat night, before bed, nate comes to me. somber and very serious. he says "mom, there is something very serious i need to tell you about. you will be mad. i am sorry"

i said "what?"

he goes "it's a very serious thing and i have to tell you the truth?"

i'm like "what?" thinking in my head man oh man what did he do????

head down he confesses "not every time i pee i wash my hands. sometimes i do. but if i am busy playing i don't. but i do wash my hands every time i poop. i am sorry. i just don't want to wash them every time i pee"

me "bawahhhhhhh that is ok bud. just try to wash them in the future"
inside laughing mu butt off

confession. does EVERYONE was their hands EVERY TIME they pee????

nate stories

so sat nate was sick. sat night, i put him in bed with me. he wakes up yelling "i have to poop!" i'm like "go dude go!" off he goes and does his bizness. washes his hands and climbs back into bed with me

5 mins later "mom! i have to poop!" i'm like dude go!

off he goes to the bathroom. i can hear him going on and on and making a lot of noise. finally he comes out, climbs into bed with me. closes his eyes

then he jumps up and yells "MOM! oh no! i forgot to poop!" and off he goes to do his stuff. then washes his hands and climbs back into bed

i asked him "let me get this straight, you had to poop but you forgot? then you washed your hands instead?"

BAWAhhhhhhhh i laughed!


mom said...

Mel, that is so funny. Real life can be very funny.
Love, mom

Papa said...

Just for the record, I wash my hands every time, both #1 & #2.