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super sunday!

sunday belly shot with thanks to my sis for taking it. 19 weeks! the baby is very active, all over the place and loves to kick me at night. totally wonderful!

quinn and nate ate having a sleep over tonight. sigh. wish me luck. ha. they played around of go fish for the evening festivities

and watched video clips with papa

charlie and mommy

2 dudes dressed in their sunday finery

we went to church this am, i got to meet up with some old friends from rock. the boys did well in the service, there was no kids ministry. then we came home for naps. nate for an hour and 1/2, me for 1/2 hr but choose to lay in bed, doing nothing for another 30 mins. sheer heaven!

and that was our sunday in a nut shell!

c i miss you! can't wait to see you later this week.....remember....mop....the....floors......
