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stir up your nest!

as an eagle stirs up its nest

hovers over its young

spreading out its wings

taking them up carrying them on its wings

deut 32: 11

i read this week ago and have never picked so many nuggets out of one verse!

i just quickly read it once

then went back bec i didn't know what 'stirs up its nest' means

i asked nate and he didn't know

so i 'goo-gooed' as nate calls google

stirring up a nest in my own words is this!!!

a mom and dad makes a nest for it's babies. they use soft, plushy things to pad the bottom, string, leafs, feathers when the babies come along it's all warm, and soft and cosy and comfy. the babies live in the nest, staying on the bottom where they are looked after, food is brought to them, warmth is provided, protection is a given

then once day the mom and daddy eagles have a chat. the time has come for the baby to grow up

so the daddy eagle stirs up the nest by removing all the soft blankets, pillows and comforts of home

the baby is then forced to stand up on it's own feet for the very first time


i think the daddy does it cause we all know the mommy will soften up and give in and rust to the aid of the baby. ha

once the baby stands the mommy leaves (sob sob) and the daddy takes the baby and tosses him out the nest to...well....drop to the ground

as the baby is falling not realizing that they have their own wings to fly with! the baby thinks it's alone

but it's not!

the daddy is actually flying over the baby watching and just before the baby crashes to the ground to die the daddy swoops in, grabs the baby and flies him back to the nest

this is repeated until one day the baby takes their own wings, that they had all along! and flies alone, by themselves!

the daddy returns to the nest

alone this time

another cool fact about eagles! when a storm comes BEFORE the storm comes the eagles leave it's safe nest and flies....ABOVE the clouds, rain and storm! eagles fly above the storm! and return home when it's over. safe and unharmed!

learning this i re-read the verse!

an eagle stirs up the nest

WHILE hovering over it's young (never out of sight!)

spreading out their wings (protection)

while bringing them up (out of danger!)

carrying them on it's wings!

how ubber awesome is that!?!

the time comes, i get kicked out of my comfort zone by god, to fly on my own, while he's watching, carrying me over the storm and all along i am on his wings!

sure, i admit, a mini crisis brought me to deut to find this verse but all along he carried me!

i am learning, the ouchie way. ha. that god is our provider. even if chris loses his job any my security is taken from me , it's ok! i can fly, on my own, with wings that i have had all along! god will watch and he will provide

so now, i no longer fear the possibility of chris losing his awesome job, that he loves, it's ok. god will bring something else along, or maybe a new opportunity!

so in facing my fear of job loss! i find my strength, that i didn't know i had!