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i set up a small easter decorations at the church yesterday
i took a hola hoop, spray painted it white, tied on colorful flowers on it
then got some fabric, cut it up, had chris string it from 3 points in the weird shaped room
voila. springy and simple 
cross in the corner
my old christmas wreath at the bottom,  i cut all the christmas berries and decor off it
threw some left over flowers in the jug and tossed some rocks 
another shot
the room is weird shaped and impossible to get a pic of. it;s simple and if i had more time i would have loved to do more with it but honestly i just don't have a lot of time :)


Loana said...

Looks awesome Mel!!!

mel said...

thanks for your idea to knot the ends. hahahaha

Loana said...

oh please........;p lol