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march break sheer madness!

a week in our crazy lazy days
ellie her basket of toys
daddy did a whole lot of this in between shop visits
ellie dirty pre bath baby
nate and i worked on clay animals
the plan was to paint them
but nate wanted to play with them 
so he did and 1/2 of them went into the garbage
we made 2 trays full
nate worked on his car while ellie told him how to fix it
our little encourager
squash rocks this house
sporting her new hair bows!
got 9 bows from ardene for 10. not to bad. they are the kind that stay in the hair!

we did a whole lot of nothing, play dates, free coffee's, mcdee's play park, chilling relaxing and doing nothing.....still waiting for a certain baby to arrive....!  other than that a good march lazy break. now to kick my butt back into house work and planning lessons!

happy sunday everyone!


Loana said...

Love and hugs!!!
bows are super cute and...tell Nate we are getting our play dough on tonight!!! :)