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science, kids and life!

my dolly
laughing at nate

  we had a new teacher on friday, she's actually the new teacher.  this lady is AWESOME
i told chris that i would 100% sign nate up again if she teaches
the other teacher was good but this lady was fantastic
she had the kids attention and kept them captivated the whole time
it has been 2 days and nate is still talking about what he learnt
i am so pleased that i can take him to these classes and fill in what i am not good in!
lining up to try out the sound machine
ellie came and hung out with me
little silly pants was chewing on her big
she's cutting 2 more teeth!
nate's turn and the smarty pants coughed into the machine, delighting everyone with the pattern the sound waves made
this morning
my little family
thank you god for a hubby who plays with his kids


Loana said...

All the new hair bows are way to cute!!!!!
You truly are blessed :)

Crystal said...

Well, hubbies really are BIG kids, so there is no excuse for not playing with the little kids... LOL