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pregnancy update!

 but first a skill testing question brought to you by the mysterious guy named "not me!"
what happens when you remove the plastic spill protector from inside the sippy cup, and not put it back on, then hand it to your 2 yr old, filled with sticky, yummy, apple juice?

answer- she will dump it on her head, on her clothes, on the floor and you get a sticky, wet, yucky mess to clean up, adding to your already huge list of to do things for the morning

i had to keep my attitude good, as i bathed her, then went down and mopped the floors. it was NOT a good way to start the day!

yesterday i had my 37 wk check up
i knew something was off the minute i arrived at the check in desk. the receptionists couldn't find my file, after i gave them my name. saying "we didnt think you would be here today"

hu? i asked why not?  they said the dr will go over your test results with you

i met with the nurse, got weighed, blood pressure was taken, then retaken, and yet again taken.  hint # 2.  obviously my blood pressure is up.  we went over some details and i was left to wait for the dr. not my obg, shes on vacay but her replacement

about an hour later, the longest ive ever waited this pregnancy, the dr came in.  she sat down and went over my chart. then she told me that my test results comparing to last week were up significantly, making me preeclampia.  my levels have dbled, protein is getting stronger and my blood pressure is high.  

so, i am going in tomorrow to be admitted in labour/delivery to be monitored and watched, have more blood work taken to compare the results and a decision will be made as to when ill be having the baby....the dr said for sure with in the week!  the dr wants me to get to  38 wks, which is sat to ensure the baby's lungs and sucking will be ok.  if the baby is born at 37 wks ill have to stay longer in the hospital/the baby will be in the nicu...which i dont want.  so im praying for next mon-wed ish

i must admit, i really like this dr!  her receptionist called me this am to see how i was feeling, to be honest, ive been in a lot of pain the last few i know why.  i love that the dr does not want me getting sicker and sicker and have a repeat of what i went through after i had nate. mercy! that was brutal!

so ill know more on wed night as to the next steps we take until we meet baby #3!  wheeeee
 yesterday 37 wks. with my dolly and her 4th outfit change of the day!! 
 belly time! hahahaha
 close up of the belly
 yep. im huge!
  silly ellie
silly daddy
free formula!!!! i got my sample bag last week. liquid formula for new borns. i am NOT sweating the nursing this time. aint no body got time for that!  if my milk runs low, we switch to formula. no guilt, not biggie no nothing! but free samples will help with the REDIC cost of it!   and who doesn't love free? hahaha


Ursi said...

We'll be praying for you Mel! I love that despite everything you seem to have a good attitude and know where to put your trust. God is in control of everything and I find if I keep my fingers out of His business things go better for me (and those around me:).
Lots of hugs and prayers your way!!