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this and that

i took nate out to dairy queen (free coupons! wheeee) to spend some time with  him. he never ceases to amaze me with what he says
 checking out the apples on the apple tree!
 ellie loves birds, i was surprised by this little fella who came close enough to me to take this pic
 nate went to get ellie to show her the bird
he was helping her down the slant on the hill
ellie was impressed and waved good bye!

ellie story

after each meal ,  i wipe down her hands and face, stand her up in the chair ad dust the crumbs off to vacuum.  as i dust her off i always say "what do you say after your meal ellie?" to which she always says "thank you"  but instead she looked at me and said "shoes!" hahaha

ellies most fav thing to do is find me and say "shoes, daddy, car GO!" which means put on my shoes, i want to visit daddy in the car lets go!" haha

nate funny

the other morning after a rough night, nate got ellie up for me and took her downstairs, chris was already down there and nate said to chris "dad, mom had a rough night, not a lot of sleep, i recommend that we stay down here and let her sleep"

awww i love you nate!