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 the kids played so well together. so nice!  they also ATE like crazy!  the weather was so nice out the ids were in SHORTS!  i made the girls wear their overalls. oh my word! i LOVE them.  they save the clothes!!!
 coffee, fire and the love of my life.  life is good
 ellie would not leave judah's side. they will get married some day...haha
 little joe. oh how we love you. you are just so fun.  you turn everything into a PARTY!
 the big kids went off and spent their time making a cool fort!  they cut down the trees themselves and got creative
 girl in the woods
 working away
 they made the base in the rocks. i love our land, there is so much different elements to it. rocks, moss, trees, river much to enjoy
 chris came out with his chain saw to help with the big trees
 roasting more food
 then joey some how fell into this tree and got stuck!  so funny
 then home to drop the kids off, tired and full.  showers and clean up. soon we wont have to do that, we can just STAY there! 

nate joined me for a late night chat.
 and showed me his muscles. ha