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how am i doing you ask?

 like this
 and that
 some of this
 and can i get an AMEN!

i dunno what the deal is.  but the last few weeks have been brutal.  im finding myself cranky, lacking joy, screaming or worse using my "quiet" voice which means i am beyond mad and you better do EXACTLY what i said. the girls are tag teaming me with the "moms" its a chorus  i hear. all. day. long.  the MOM! MOM! MOM!  ive been locking my bathroom door to get some toilet time in ALONE.. the constant demand, from meals and food, school and errands, talking and listening, solving problems, splitting up fights, cranky kids, house work that NEVER Stops, spills that need to be wiped, sticky walls from sticky hands (JOEY!) messes and toys, crumbs to mud...etc...the demand for me, is constant.

and its exhausting me

i never before cherished SILENCE.  i beg for it, i long for SILENCE.  to go more than 2 minutes with out a MOM being yelled at me

i know this is what i signed up for, but man parenting these little wieners is HARD work!  i was talking to chris about this the other day and i found myself cheering up when i said "i know i can do this, i went through MUCH worse with nate at this age and look how he is turning out!"  who woulda thought my strong willed, over powering, determined boy is my easiest kid!  school with him is the best part of my day.  its calm and relaxing.  he knows what to do and gets it done....there is hope! 

over all we are good!  im just super tired and looking forward to the weekend....and its only wed! ha

but i read this today and it totally made me smile "you are my quiet place of retreat, i wait for your word to renew me" ps 119:114

and he does, each day, each  night. he renews me!