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how we spent our saturday

we met jon and jess for breaky at jeans. not bec i love that place (i don't) but bec moncton has very little places to get breakfast at. nate did a great job of emptying the condiment rack.
jon and jess. they are such a great couple

then we dropped chris off at home to work on his shop. nate and i went to s'store to get groceries and play with rocks in the parking lot. yes, i let him play in parking lots.

ohh rocks. typical boy.

while nate napped, chris worked in the back yard on his shop. i went shopping. i bought curtains and rods for the playroom and a adorable and very comfy pair of shoes.

then i spent the rest of the afternoon slaving away digging the trench for chris's shop. i was paying off the shoes. i kid, i kid. i was actually paying off the track suit i also bought.

i thought i deserved at least 2 pics of me working in the rain, slaving away. trench digging is very hard work. chris thinks i look cute with a shovel and lipstick on.
after i cleaned up, ran 2 loads of laundry, cooked supper, made a meal for sunday's church pot luck ( i forgot to take a pic of the cute wraps i made) which was bbq roast beef wraps, i then made these yummy strawberry tarts.
when nate went to bed i worked on my art project for over the fire place in the front living room. i took an old broken frame of jon's. fixed it up, cleaned it and created the picture below.
i broke the glass in the last panel, so i will have to fit that. but i think it looks good for only costing me 9 bucks. it will work until i find something that screams "hang me over the fire place"
i had a fun, full day!