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zoo day!

humm which way to go bears first? lions? cougars? off to see the bears it is!
nate ran right to the bear cage and roared at the bear. the bear was offended and promptly left.

ohh of to bug another animal. this time the poor deer who was resting.

nate has no fear. he put his hand right into the cage. he was amazed by the different textures that the deer had.
he waved to the deer, talked to the deer and barked at it.

the deer also got offended and left nate by himself
come back deer, i wasn't done poking you yet....

off to bug the chickens. or join them perhaps...

i guess this goat was hungry or something.

beside the play park is the fish pond. nate loves fish. he watched....

and watched

and watched

time to go and meet daddy for lunch. nate chose to take a souvenir. a pile of leafs, but no worries he traded the leafs for some rocks and brought them to lunch with daddy.

it was SO beautiful yesterday. it was the first real summer day and we enjoyed it immensely!
last night i went for a walk just before the sun went down. i went back to the trail i walked on tuesday. i learnt a few lessons:
-never again will i walk in that heat. NEVER. i was a sweating, red faced, tired looking gal
-when it's 36 it's WAY to hot to walk and enjoy it
-my 'record' on tues was wrong. i read the map wrong. i walked 15 kms in 1 hr 15 min. even better
-when it's stupid hot out, i can only walk like 1/4 of what i can normally do
-i was the only person out...
so yeah. never, ever again!