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my best idea evah

i got this snazzy clothes pin holder bag at the $ store. if you are crafty and can sew you can easy-peasy make one. me, i like to think i am crafty but in reality i am not. anyways. i brought it home. filled it up with toys, when i do my final good night check on nate i hang it on the inside of the crib......why?.....
( nathaniel is testing it out for me)

so when he wakes up usually around 8, he can take some toys out and play quietly in the crib...which allows me to sleep in until 8:30-9ish or just simply lay in bed, reflecting, organizing the day, pray or just enjoy listening to him.
this was nate at 9 this morning, i went in to get him and he showed me his train and truck. and yes, that would be a sook in his mouth, he only gets it at bed time (along with his blanket) and i have found complete and utter peace with the fact that he has a sook at 22ish months. i have also decided that he can have the sook until he's 14 if he likes....what ever he needs/wants to get him to keep being an amazing sleeper.....really, how many 14 yr olds have sooks?
reaching for a new toy.
i love me some toy bag. wheee. chris also loves it....we both slept in until 9 on sunday.
* i must add, i slept trained nate from 2 wks old to teach him how to sleep/nap. we were not "blessed" with a natural sleeper. it was hard, hard work. which paid off. i tell all new mom's the 2 magic words SLEEP TRAIN. you will thank me for it. ha.