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new table and chris

i finally broke down. i got a new table and chairs. why? ok, i know i am not a big girl. one day last week i went to sit in the old chair and i heard it crack and groan as i went to sit in it. yeah. time to get a new set. off we went on fri to look. we finally settled on this baby.
sat morning while i went out to breaky with friends, chris and nathaniel put it together for me.

what a huge helper nathaniel is.

there she is. pub style, 8 chairs. the middle leaf is a drop in style, which does just that......drops into the middle of the table that sits 6. the extra 2 chairs fit perfect at the counter. i got the fabric covered seat treated with a 5 yr stain resistant warranty.

practical? not really. cute and cosy? 2 thumbs up.

the best part is, i paid for it in cash with all my saved kijiji money. we also got it tax free and on sale.
so next time you come over, you can sit and know you won't break a chair. ha.