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belated b-day gift!

chris asked me what i wanted for my birthday. i thought about it and came up with 2 things
1. to see the help with my sis
2. to rehang all my curtain rods with NO complaining
we came home from the weekend away and chris did it! he re hung all my curtains. with NO complaining. not one. no mumbling about his crazy wife
thank you babe! this was the best gift!

see above pic the org way c hung the rods almost 3 yrs ago. i secretly always hated it. they bugged me. i wanted them *hung from like 2" below the ceiling. see! it does make the room look bigger, brighter and more balanced

chris rolled his eyes and said "what ever"
front living room (he also did the lower bath too)
see the difference!?! please....please....see something different....c thinks i am nuts (ok i am but whatever) but really, there is a difference!

final product!

thanks for the gift babe. i love you!

*i offically have added the word hung to my word hate list. hung? it's almost as icky as panties

yes. i have a word hate list

p.s-i did my weekly weight in and i am up another pound. but decided (ok forgot) to meantion it in the blog cause really, i don't care anymore. i love my weight. and the new clothing that comes with it :)


Anonymous said...

love the new curtain placement! looks awesome....the higher the curtains the larger the room. Good job guys.


Ursi said...

Chris, your wife is right!! I always have my curtain rods right above the window, but I might have Jeff rehang them for me:) More likely I'd have to do it myself, but it really makes the windows look bigger and the room brighter. Good job persevering with my big Bro, Mel!! Sometimes he is wrong;)
I love you both, Ursi

wk-eigenheer said...

And I love you all!!!!!!!!! You keep up with each other and are giving the other the love THEY feel as love . That is love.So may God bless you all richly. Love from Muetti.

Crystal said...

In all matters of fashion and style, Chris should always just go with your opinion...umm unless you want more leopard pics on the living room wall... love ya bro!

Chris Eigenheer said...

hey, leopard pics are awesome!