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so hot sunday!

after her bath sat night, in her new to her outfit (i said to chris she looks like a mix of pepto and a flower shop..ha)
i went to change boobs and looked back down to this
life can be so hard. ha!
sunday, love how she's hidden in my hair...which i've decided to cut...soon...someday...when i can...
more milk mom. hahaha
and nate wanted his own and wanted me to post it too
so after church, nate was being a terd, (yes i just joking called my son a terd) he was! he was being bothersome, and not listening etc after thinking about what to do and how to handle him (after another long nursing session that resulted in formula) i took nate out. just him and me. 
i realised it was the first time in over 3 weeks that we've done something together.  a long time when nate is so use to hanging with me.  i let him choose what to do and where to go. he choose victoria park. after 5 mins it was too hot and he wanted to sit in the shade under a tree. so we did...for 30 mins. we just talked. nate then asked if he could sit in my lap like he use to
so he did and we just chilled. nate told me so much but most important his love tank was filled and he returned to normal....some what normal

nate told me this morning that he no longer wants a baby brother but another sister, just like eliana because "my sister is just the cutest gurl in the wurld" (he says gurl for girl and wurld for world) between him and chris this house has baby fever!


Julia Davis said...

Mel, you look beautiful!

Chris Eigenheer said...

took me a while to figure out what you meant with "change boobs". It did catch my attention I must say but after I figured out it was just another nursing thing it lost its alure...gee...

Crystal said...

Look at you, rocking that pre-maternity scarf dress! Looking good sis!
And Chris, get over it, she said "boobs", but you should know by now, that they aren't yours for a while!

mel said...

j- you blog? off to read! you need to post pics of your belly!!
c-get over it, they are NOT for you at this time. haha
c-yep, the ONLY dress that i can wear out of all my dresses, shorts, tanks, pants and sweats. i am waiting a few wks to see if this new size is me and if it is i am going shopping for NEW clothes! i have NO idea what i weigh btw, haven't weighted myself. don't actually care!