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28 wks!

 haha selfie belly shot this am
 28 wks baby!
 ellie wanted to tickle my belly
 silly girl!
my tiny baby waving bye to me this am as i headed out early to set up for the kids

im 28 wks! this is one fast pregnancy!  im feeling good, sinuses act up here and there but im staying focused on the positive and that helps!  the baby was kicking so hard last night, she shook the bed! haha  as far as i can tell she is still breached, which means most of the kicks are low, where the bladder is. ha.  chris felt her back and feet last night very cool!

i had my appointy last thurs, 3.5 HOURS. i did the diabetes test, then the rh shot, then my prenatal check up and meeting with the dr.  everything is good, blood pressure is low, like always, up another 3 pounds,  no protein no nothing. this is the most boring pregnancy... WHOOO HOOOO! 

my next appoint is in a month and i meet with the gyno to talk delivery and book it. wheeeee. so exciting

we are stoked to be having this bonus baby girl!