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power and heat!

 i am so far behind in the blog!  i just made a cup of coffee and put a movie on for the girls and i hope i can spend the next 20 mins catching up on life!  last sat we went out to the land and i was able to check out the shop, with a heater!  WHEEE heat!
 and chris set up the shelves for the storage shed. which will also hold all the tools and stuff that we need while building the cabin

i tried to get a pic with out kids. that was impossible. ha.  we took along some friends for the kids
 which was AWESOME. cause the kids were off playing while chris and i relaxed
 chris also showed me his neato wood cutter stand that he built
 line the longs up
 and rip through with the chain saw
chris was not wearing his safety pants bec he was just doing a quick demo...ive been really pleased with how chris is staying safe while working and wearing the gear!
 some cleared septic field! WHEEEEE
 another action shot
chris is a few weeks ahead of his original plan, with the weather being really nice out and me taking the kids ;) chris is free to spend time working away.  i plan on going out this week to help too. im just playing catch up on the house work for much. house work!


Unknown said...

Where the ... are your chaps Mr. E !!!!

Ursi said...

You know, Dad only needed to cut one small board when he cut his fingers off.
We love you and would hate to see you get hurt.

mel said...

ill pass your message on to chris. im touched that you guys care about him staying safe, thats awesome! we love you guys!