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 they are NEVER too young to learn to work! ha

this is our sample board of siding colors.  to be honest, i really dont want brown.  i want grey!!!  chris? not so much grey but brown is his first choice. after going over sample colors and shades we picked these 4 shades fpr the cabin stain...and the winner????

second from the top!!!  which is chris's choice
my first pick is the last one but im ok with chris's pick, its my 2nd choice and well, really, dude has worked so much out at the land, i am 100% ok with having him choose the siding color... long as its in the grey family and NOT brown.....
 more cleaning
 URSI!!! look what i got! haha
 not gonna lie

back to school SUCKS

its been a week

this is me, at the end of a day. waiting to pick up chris.  im. so. tired.  i heard the word "mom!" 100 times.

i taught 3 different lessons. made 3 separate meals. did 3 loads of laundry, cleaned more messes than i can count, babysat kids that are not mine, made so. much. food=seriously. am i feeding an army that i dont know about???...ran errands, paid bills ( i do!, not just chris) registered my kids for way too many home school activities, kissed boo boos (not including Chris hahahha) and here i am. at the end of a LONG day...i snapped a pic.  put my phone down and my head in my lap
not in defeat
i, honestly, prayed
i thanked god for the kids i have
and asked god to help me train them, raise them to be who he wants them to be
i might look defeated
but im not
im simply asking god...
to help me
i cant do this on my own
i can't be  a wife
or a mom
a friend
a relative
on my own

 he gave me the strength. as he always does and

 thur we met our new neighbors, i did school with the girls and after lunch i focused on nate and his school.  we did spelling, science and i spent an hr with him working on writing.  to be honest. after i sent the girls outside to play. and i focused on just nate and his writing. i had. a BLAST.  so. much. enjoyable. bonding time