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wed pt 2

 after joeys school on wed she put herself to bed. ha

we had lunch, then i did school with nate. around 2 nate and i did some science experiments and had the girls join us...we are studying mass, volume, density and minerals
 we did the float the egg. the girls LOVED this
 joey too!
 then we did a color-by-density
 after that we did a "float your boat" i had all 3 kids make their OWN boats and see which boat held the most amount of items....i did NOT assist any of them
 joey made a boat and nate helped her float it with the items chosen
 money/coins/and what ever i found
 then ellie went next
 and guess what???   i ran out of items to sink her boat....ellie won!!!  it was so much fun.  we spent a good 2 HOURS doing this!

 chris came home. i cooked a family supper. then i dropped nate off at youth.  i ran to the local sally ann and found this! 
 remember cry????  i didnt buy it. haha
 but i went back to the church to coffee and read at 9:30 at night to wait for my teen!!!
my goal is to read this book before i watch the far im about 25 pages in and i LOVE it...but i dont have time to read much anymore now that school is back....


mom said...

I Remember that cook book? Traditional receipts for down easterners. I collected all (10) little books and saved and bought the binder. A garage in Carroll's Corner of close to there were offering one free with every fill up. I gave one whole set and binder to Shirley and one for me, still have and use it. Amazing, where did you find it? As time goes on memory doesn't always serve. I think the binder was $7. Thanks for the memory back in time.