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 fri we went to discover Hillsborough,  we went to go check out the train museum but it was closed, so instead we headed to the park and local shops.  we found the marsh and went on a 2 km walk along the wetlands.

it was simply beautiful!  so stunning! 
 we watched ducks and the water fowl
 found the bee project. this was as close as i went!
 walked these paths and trails
 then i spotted this little gal and knew exactly what she was doing. she found a flower she thought i would like
 picked it and ran it to me
 and i slipped it into my pocket, knowing these says will end soon enough
 more paths and trails
 and more
 then i found these bad boys. so beautiful!
 i snapped so many pics to see if i can find out the name of the plant
 lovely country
 more beauty
 and more
 this is 10 mins from the cabin
 ellie in the orange
 more trails
 about 3/4 through the walk, joey got tired of carrying her 10 lb monkey.  nate took his shirt off and i was able to make a monkey carrier for her. ha
 she loved it!
 as we walked to the car, i saw a brick building. i told the kids to give me a sec to find out what it was...we went in and discovered the local library!  so fun!  we spent over an hr reading and playing with new toys and i was able to meet the librarian and sign up for 3 new cards and get 4 passes to kings landing! awesome!
 fri night, the night before the storm. we had another cook out. we did chicken, mushrooms, veggies and salad. so good.  but i had to put joey into time out.  i found her like this.  singing and making a weapon!   
 the fire!
more of joey in time out. ha

fri night we sent the kids to bed.  chris and i stayed up alone at the fire. so nice!  we talked and just enjoyed the quiet. the quiet before the storm!

the storm hit sat morning.  we were safe and sound at the cabin. we had the generator all hooked up and ready to go but we never lost power.  moncton didnt fare so well, they were mostly out of power until sun night!  but we enjoyed the storm. we read, played cards and ate well! ha