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boys birthday party!

it's not a partay with out fish!
opening the gifts from nana and poppy....we did notice that they boys thought it was funner to open each other's gift rather than their own
forgive the photo montage of quinn. for those who know quinn, know his attention span is as large as mine, and will not sit still for long. imagine my utter dismay and surprise that he actually stood. and opened the presents that i got for him (well, not a huge shock for me, quinn loves his aunty melly and will do anything for me)
the concentration...
the patience...
pick, pick, pick...ha! he did finally open it, i just didn't get a picture of it
nate opening jon and jess's gift...he loved it
ohhh more fish
quinn got a tool belt, which he used to fix things around the house
digging away...
ohhh...thanks uncle shawn and aunty cry!
then onto the big birthday dinner. quinn was trying to decide on what to order
steak mommy!
nate deciding (i did find it rather amusing that when nate saw a pic of eggs,bacon and ham he pointed to it and said "DADDY!")
mmm roast beef, potatoes and veggies...all dipped in ketchup. poppy was proud!
onto the shared cake. i will be making the fish cake for nate's family party on sunday
lots of sugar
nate has never had that much sugar in 1 seating. he was stoked. he ate almost all of it
mmm sugar
chris and i decided to leave thursday night, so after the dinner we put a pumped up on sugar boy in the car. we stopped 1/2 way to give a break and a chance to burn off the sugar rush. we found this cute mini train for him to play on. he loved it
boo daddy boo!
guess who was one super, sugar rush child. he was quite entertaining for the ride home!