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on the table in front of the window. nate is not allowed to climb up on the table, it's in the playroom and i freak out thinking he could fall...fall in the summer when there is only a screen on it, so i made the "never on the table" rule he was "just looking at his christmas decorations" i got some snow flakes and fun stuff and we went all out on the playroom decor. ha
where is nate? man, i can't see him anywhere
i LOVE how he thinks i can't see him. love it. love this just gets better and better (i have to remind myself of this on those bad days)
nate gloatness!
we were at the bouncy castle at the y this am for our tri-weekly play group. it was time to go, i gave him the 5 min, 2 min and the 1 min warning. then i told him "let's go" he jumped off the play thingy, took my hand and we walked through the mass of kids screaming, yelling and having their fits
so proud was i!