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where's naters?

oh there he is

but what is he doing?

having a snack with poppa and quinn and talking to them

i could not find nate this morning, i went all over the house. i finally found him at his desk. i happened to have my camera in my hand and snapped a pic, not knowing what he was doing. as i walked closer i saw what he was looking at and heard his conversation, then i snuck up and snapped the above pic with out him seeing me. his convo went like this

there is my poppa and quinn. my very best friend. we were in disney in florida together. i love disney, mickey mouse lives there. i love quinn

then (i felt tears coming)

i miss quinn and my poppa. maybe they come and play and see me another day?

sniff. i snapped the pics. uploaded them asap and wrote down the conversation to make sure i got it right

as i sipped my coffee he made this "tada!"


i left to do a quick vacuum (sorry, can't help it) came back to turn the lights off and saw this

at my desk! ha. he moved it

i love my kid


Crystal said...

That pic! It is on our fridge, and Quinn talks to Nate all the time! So cute!
Quinn has a habit of telling complete strangers that his best friend is Nate.