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visit to daddy!

so cute!
yeah (rolling my eyes) he's nothing like his daddy...

there. he figured it out!
yep. nothing like his dad. ha!
chris was putting on the stilts and nate grabbed his pant leg and told chris that "he was ok. he was going to hold him"
and he took his job very. seriously
more adorableness
nate and i dropped by this afternoon for a quick visit. chris took a week of vacation at his reg job to finish (well, start it anyways not actually finish it this week) his co-worker's basement. he's still has a lot to do and i am sure i will be joining him...
i think chris is getting tired of reno jobs!
"i have something to say!"
my little mozart. i got him a key board. it was 10 bucks. it's education, right!?

i made sure it's low volume is just that. low


Veronique said...

Aw...that`s just too cute! Nate is so blessed to have two wonderful parents!