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practice makes perfect!

i found nate in the car yesterday, practicing taking care of his sister. he told me that it's his job to make sure she's ok while i am driving, he will watch her, talk to her and give her toys to play with. i know he will be a great big brother to her

i am in awe that 5 yrs ago, we brought our little baby nate home in this car seat.  man, time does go by fast

i am so thankful to god for bringing us another child.  i am not ready to say good bye to these challenging, tiring, teaching, but full of love, kisses, hugs, smiles, problem fixing by just snuggling, tiny toes, teeny finger prints all over my walls and windows, memory making growing early years

he gives the childless (barren) woman a family, making her a happy mother. ps 113:9


Anonymous said...

So happy & excited for you all!
Much love, df

wk-eigenheer said...

rubThinking of you all the time.


Mother, father, broder ,doctors, nurses ,... and all involved !
