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sisterly visit

my sister come up for the week end (yeah, yeah, i'm late but what ever...i just had a baby.ha!) charlotte was impressed with her for about 5 mins then she got her self busy putting her doggy to sleep in the swing
cry and eliana. ellie slept for most of the trip, until we went to the mall. that was fun. ha.  she cried the whole time, then conked out in the car.  we had a good time catching up and cooing over ellie. i think mother daughter TRIPS are in the future. ha!

baby product review!!!

bought the over prices but so worth it body shop baby shampoo. its all organic, blah blah BUT smells Divine.  i love bathing ellie and spending the remainder of the night on the couch smelling and snuggling.  sigh. pure heaven. totally worth the money!

prayer request!!!!

i, for the first time actually sending out a prayer request for ME via blog!  i want to nurse, it's my desire, my milk is being cantankerous as we approach the 2 wk feeding frenzy (growth spurt) please pray that my milk will not go down (it was) that my body will do what it's suppose to do and make loads of milk and that i will drink my water and not gag (which is so weird for someone who drinks a lot of water!) and that i will not stress...that we will remain in peaceful, calm delight

merci! merci!

(god cares about birds, so he cares about my hearts desire to nurse)


Anonymous said...

praying for you milk supply my friend....been there...hugs too...she is so you all
