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i saw this pic tonight and i had to post it!  it's my all time fav pic of quinn and i.  he was minutes old in this pic.

quinny, you were in my arms minutes after you were born (i did allow your mom and dad to snuggle you first haha) i was so taken with you right from the start.  i love how you were reaching up to me.  i remember talking to you and sharing with you how very special and loved you are.  our first grand baby, nephew, son and cousin.  we love you quinn!

while i was holding you, nate was still in my belly, but nate was aware of you, he kept kicking me or was it you he was trying to kick?   haha

so this blog is for you.  i love you quinn!


Chris Eigenheer said...

yes, even though I don't say it a lot, you're an awesome dude, quinn!

Papa said...

Baby Girl



Crystal said...

Aww! My baby! Where is the time going?

mom said...

Melanie, you are awesome.