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yep. more snow

"look at all the snow!"
nate showing off the snow
yesh, we got more snow
where the heck is spring? flip flops? my skin is BEGGING for warmth (i suffer from dry, cracked skin...thanks dad)

the almost gone lamp post
the snow on the back patio is now up to my shoulders....seriously....
nate took a nap yesterday..he said "mommy, look i am napping"
he's actually napping right now. it has been one CRAZY week. we have been gone, every day. i was all over the place, mostly play dates and get togethers and what not but still. it's tiring and i am left with a disaster of a house. so with that, i am going to take advantage of the quiet and go start the cleaning!
have a great day everyone!


Shannon said...

Do I see Nate trying to peek out of his "closed" eyes? That's cute. And SO funny!