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hot hot hot!!!

 we went for a walk before the heat hid us in the house!  nate had to stop to check the bugs out....what is it? why does it have these wings?  why? why? haha  ellie just watched.  nate is getting really good with his scooter!

showing me his moves
 he gave ellie his scooter to hold on to. she did. haha

we  have peaches!!!!  we had cherries too. had as in we ate them all. it was awesome to go out every morning and eat the cherries from our tree.  the tree fed us for 2 wks!  not too bad for being a yr old!  hoping we will get some peaches this yr!

we went to the park too
 hehehehe someone takes after her mother.  chris! look at what ellie is doing!
chris's pet peeve is when I have my feet or legs on the table....hahahaha
after nap it was time for sprinklers and an out side bath!
which ended quickly cause someone pooped in the tote. hahaha

sharing his apple pie!

yesterday was a crazy hot day!  I caved and spend the later part of the day inside where it's nice and cool!  today looks to be hot as well!

enjoy the heat!