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art, needles and teeth!c

from this over grown art wall
to this!  empty fpr the new yr!
i took nate's scrapbook from preschool that was 1/4 used and tapes, glued and recorded nate's art/school work from the past yr
i used about 1/2 of it. so i plan on putting nate's gr 1 in here too
that way it keeps the clutter down, pages are recorded and the junk was tossed
i waited to do this when nate was gone
hell hath no furry like a child who finds you threw something away, let alone HIS art work
i can't keep it all! i just kept the good stuff!

ellie had her yr dr's appoint
she's a trouper
she had some shots done and ripped the bandaids off in the car on the way home
i also discovered why she's been such a cranky pot, non sleepy, over tired, not her self girl!
she cut another molar and is working on another one
poor thing!
she woke up today back to her happy self. thank goodness
i took her back to the doll house
she loves it!
she plays with the dolls and furniture. so cute!
then we did some puzzles and enjoyed the ONLY day of no rain since chris left by taking a stroll through down town....good ol mother daughter time!


Loana said...

Disregard previous e-mail!lol
Glad baby girl is on the mend :)