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nate, dylan, the girls and myself joined nature club at the beach.  it was fun and im soooooo thankful meg was there!  
we walked the dunes, toured the education center and listened to history of the beach 

baby zek! 
it was HOT.  i was sweating and SOOOOOO thankful i wore my hat!
got a little burn
same with joey....but she's still smiling!
OMG.  this kid.  i took him abd Dylan to the movie. he wanted a PIZZA.  he bought a PIZZA and FOLDED it, then put it in an empty mcdonalds bag that was on the FLOOR and smuggled it into the theater! 
of course he used my bag to carry it in. 
we got there a bit early. haha  it ended up being full 

les has been cutting trees off our back lot for 2 yrs. last JUNE (i told you im a bit behind) i went to check it out. im happy there are many trails for me to walk on. ....lots of trees are gone! 

our house can be seen from here