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nates school round up

this is nate's school books from last spring.  so his last semester, there are a few missing as i borrowed from friends and gave back
my home school conference finds.  3 nature journals for the girls brand new 
history of the world 
writing guides 
family reads 

 i found it VERY hard to kep track and record school for all 3 kids the last yr.  i was schooling all over the place, books were packed away, most of my stuff was in the trailer, i was disorganized, frustrated but somehow we came out achieving more than i planned.  weird right?

unfortch, i cant seem to find my records for the girls or nate from what we did last yr.  i know ill find it as i unpack.  

this yr we were off to our soft start, nate started back the 2nd week of September and im just getting down to starting with the girls.  we had a lot of trips, tours, classes and activities, playdates and get togethers in Sept and oct.  once the colder weather hits, our schedule will slow down and we will have more time for book school

the girls are in grade 4 and 6. nate is in gr 11.

nate works independently.  i mark and plan his lessons on sunday afternoons. i touch base with him daily, i bug him to write his tests and assignments. haha but he's focused on other planning his future and creating new business.  

the girls do their join subjects together.  history, science, read out louds etc...then we split up for one on one for math, language arts, spelling  

im hoping to be able to post on a more regular base now that im setting up a spot for me to work.  but who knows. haha

and with that i am caught up to july!  stay tuned next week for july, aug, september and october. haha