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first aid

joey made me a fork and knife!  great job!  she was helping chris in the shop and made these for me
testing my theory of meeka!

last fall i gave meeka a bone, she carried it to the woods and i saw her bury it.  i waited for the snow to melt and land to dry up and took her back out, as we got closer to the area i said to ellie "i dont know exactly where she buried it but i know its around here...." poof meeka took off, we saw dirt flying and out she came with a rough looking bone in her mouth 

she brough me back 3 more bones over the that i know she does this, i give her lots of bones to bury and find

spring river!

i did a few "girl partys" in the office.  Joey made the bed for me. haha  we sleep over in chris's office, watch a movie, eat junk food....when they wake me up in the morning i go back to my own bed. ha
just reading with meeka as she sleeps with an eye patch 
love this dog child 
it was a beautiful day for our First Aid course!   We hired a company to come and put on a full day first aid class for the kids. they earned a certificate at the end.  a great added value was parents could stay...and learn along side of their kids 
amanda, myself, amy, and another mom were set up as patients. this was my accident 

the other poor accident moms

hypothermia, its a serious thing! 

bringing life into the dummies 

it was a very educational, fun filled day!

some pics of saint jaydens

we spent another wonderful afternoon at the apple orchard. this time we learned how to take care of the trees.  unfortch, the girls were bored and not feeling this trip.  i how ever enjoyed learning and pruning the trees 
ellie and harriet 
walking the lot.  amanda came on this trip so i was able to chat and catch up
some out door spring play!
i still love finding these little bits of play around the property.  the girls are getting older but they still play....i say let them be little! as long as possible!