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my little artist

avoiding a morning of whinny, crying, icky cold boy. i broke out the paint and let nate go to town
that he did. he loved the paint...and i was actually cool with the mess. mess is ok when it's controlled. ha!
i asked nate to clean up his toys. he did. then he went to the chalk board and cleaned up the chalk.
so nate and i are both nursing these icky head colds. nate told me today that his head hurt and his belly was sore. how much do i love that he can tell me what's wrong! gone are the days of it his diaper? is he cold? is he hungry? thirsty? tired? sick?
we have spent most of the day resting, watching too much t.v and reading. tomorrow will be a better day!
*it's fitting that today is ben's "due" date


Jodie said...

Thinking about you my dear friend...I have prayed and thought of you often over the past week or two. Hugs...I do know the pain of what you are dealing with. The great thing is God is walking with us and it does get easier as the years click by.