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utter delight!

this is how you rock the butterfly
a boy, with a stick, digging in the mud. i asked him what he was doing and he said "i am making A's, I's and O's"
and he was!
off to hunt more bugs
" come out bugs! i want to hit you!"
for real. where does he get this from? oh yeah, i forgot...QUINN!
he then poked a dragon fly to it's death. then asked me why it doesn't fly in the sky anymore. my son, the bug murder
so we went to a park this am. we have had little play time together since chris going away, us being in hali and the last week was spend doing house stuff which ='s boring to a kid. i have been dealing with some issues with nate. acting out, hitting, not listening to me. at. all! like the last 2 days were spent yelling. a lot. more than what i want.
last night, i decided that something has to change. so wanting a new start today nate and i prayed before bed that nate will listen to me and obey and i will work on my patience level
we prayed again this morning
what a change! in him and me. i had some house things to get done first. then we went out. alone. no body else. no play dates. nothing
it went splendid! nate wanted to hold my hand, snuggle, kiss me and play. he obeyed. we laughed we had a great morning.
i still can't get over the wanting to hold hands with me...that is not his nature!
maybe this whole praying thing works...haha