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sadness turned to joy!

hummm i wonder what they were up to. they both look a bit guilty...ha! the pic has nothing to do with the post, i just found it this morning while cleaning out the old pics and had to post it!

nate's lesson!

i asked nate to go to the bathroom before his nap

nate threw a fit

i quickly asked god how in the world should i handle this

i chose to give nate all the instructions:

-go get his stool
-take it to the bathroom
-pull down his pants
-go pee
-pull up his pants
-come meet me in his room for a book and prenap snuggle
i then heard, banging, stomping, yelling, whining and carryin on
i quietly went to the bathroom, repeated the instructions and added that he did lose his book for not obeying with a happy heart but can still get snuggles (i never hold back hugs, snuggles as discipline)
a minute later i hear "mommy, i made a big, big mess"
and that he did
pee all over the floor, the walls, the toilet. i am guessing he took his anger out on his pee. haha
i was LIVID. but i kept calm. chose to not say anything. i went and got the rags, cleaner and went to work cleaning his mess
nate watched me from the hallway as i cleaned
then i went into his room, sat in the chair and held my arms out for him
he climbed on my lap
i didn't say a word
just rocked
back and forth
tiny, little shoulders started to shake
teeny, quiet sobs came
then i heard
"mommy, i am sad."
"why buddy?"
"i made a big, big mess and you cleaned it up"
"yes you did and yes i did clean it up"
"mommy, i sad. i peed ed on the toilet and floor. i am sorry"
i pulled him closer and said "that's ok buddy. it doesn't feel nice to be sad, does it? i forgive you"
"mommy, i still sad. i sorry"
then i felt a tear. he was crying
which brought me to tears
we prayed. we hugged. we cried. we laughed. we snuggled and we made it all right
i am so glad i chose to listen to that small, inner voice and obey
nate went to bed wiser, happier and with a lesson well's just better to obey, with a happy heart
what a longggg day....
man! i love that he can express his feelings! this rocks!


Shannon said...

Aw, you are such a good Mommy and somehow, this post made me tear. Your kid brings out the soft side in me. Thanks a lot ;)