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18 weeks!

there's the belly. i have one! love my mat skirt? ha. lovely looking cream colored band? it's actually the most comfy skirt ever! love it

i look redic in the pic but posted it cause nate looks so adorable. he's very excited about the baby. ha

i was asked about my boots today and i shared where i got them, salvation army 5 bucks. then i realised my entire outfit came from frenchy's (minus the boots!) ha! love me some bin diving!

another shot

i stepped on the scale. up another 3 pounds. seriously! i now weight at 18 wks what i did with nathaniel at 26 weeks! i am getting scared...not face has puffed up a lot and i can tell i am bigger all over, weight in the upper arms, the thighs and butt (yikes!!!) area. i am NOT concerned just amazed by the difference in my body with this pregnancy!

the baby is redic active. esp at night. i LOVE it. i noticed the babe was very active this morning, must be the loud music (church) it was neat to sit there and feel the baby kick

my leg cramps are almost gone. thank goodness! i did a pile on research to find out why i was i such pain. turns out some pregnant ladies react to the minerals in food that are stuffed with calcium/magnesium and potassium. what happens is as you eat foods that contain calcium the baby takes and your body flushes the rest out, leaving you with next to non left. the pain in the legs is your body's way of responding that it needs help. so i started taking this redic $ supplement and a week later the pain has gone from a 8-9 to a 3! yeah to drugs! ha!

i can not wait to find out the sex of the baby! wheeee 2 more weeks to go. can't wait to start decorating the nursery! and YES we will be sharing the sex!

there ya go! another week!