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snow day! snow day!

chris was sent home early from work due to the snow. it started snowing during the night and hasn't stopped yet!

after the men folk cleared the driveway, they came into the house to get

2 puppies
2 blankets
2 cups of hot chocolate

so they could retreat back to the car for a chat and a nate told me

seriously? what is more adorable and attractive than a dad and his boy?


i am also in shock to being home, for a full day. the amount of house work i got done is prize earning worth! i am a machine today. you name it, i did it! very thrilling!

i enjoy being out and about every day but maybe, just maybe i should focus more on the house work, yikes! the dust bunnies multiplied and made grand kids for me!


how did you spend your snow day?

this is the day that the lord made, i will be happy, rejoice and get lots of house work done!


Crystal said...

Your cleaning just described my sun night clean. After working all week, I just want to spend time with the family on the week-end. I usually do a major clean on Sun night, because I can't bear the thought of a messy house stretching into the next week!
And BTW, nice Canada Post mug...

mel said...

thank dad for the mug :) i took the last one when i was home last yr. ha. they are the best mugs evah!