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last lesson!

so, the last bit of info i've gained in this whole retraining/teaching nate what's ok and what's not is this

children who have been allowed to have their own way for awhile can be extremely powerful. expect a fight. the great news is if your child comes out of the water thrashing you know you are on the right track

your kids need to learnt to step up to the plate so they can learn what life is all about and all the expectations that go with it

and while nate is working on that i am working on my anger! not allowing him to change my emotions or how i am feeling, to react to him but not respond. oya. prayer please!

gotta say i was nervous going into the weekend. i felt like i had a grip, control in my house with nate but now we were throwing chris into this.

i am pleased as punch to say the weekend went great!

for a final test, i took nate to church alone. nate was to remain in the service with me, no kid care was provided, which i thought was a great way to test this whole thing out

on the way there i explained to nate once what i expected from him. we came with a bag of toys, 2 cars, 2 wind up toys, a coloring book/markers and a snack

i was there from 6:30-9:15. nate was awesome! he was quiet (for a 4 yr old) obeyed, listened and surprisingly asked a tonne of questions about what p.donny was speaking on. which made me think that he is listening to every word and i will bring him back. nate did fall asleep around 8:30, so he sat in an adult service for 2 hrs!

yeah for nate!

this morning allowed nate to play computer games, then i gave him his 5 min warning, i give him a heads up that he's going to turn the computer off in 5 mins. i yelled down "nate! 5 mins!" then i heard him say "or i can just turn it off now!" ok! sure!

i know we are on the road to a great new way! yeah for the hard work and tears!

there's the update! thanks for all the emails i got, the encouraged me so much! i am so not alone in this!


Penny said...

Great job, Mel! I think that sometimes unruly kids are a result of the hard work and effort it is for the parent to keep up with the training and discipline.
Thankfully, what we've done in the past doesn't have to be how it is...we can change our course in parenting and get the results we want if we persevere :)
Congrats on the successes!