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i forgot to share the best! i've felt the baby move for a week or so now but chris felt the baby move this morning! we were laying in bed, chris had his hand on my belly, i told him to press harder and wait (i just ate and the baby was very active) about 3 seconds later WAM! KICK! BOOM! chris was able to feel the movement. he was a bit surprised at how strong it was and how soon he was able to feel it. i rolled my eyes and said "yep! the babe has kept me up for most of the night!" tis true. tis tired today. tis totally worth it!


Ursi said...

So excited for both of you. It is truly amazing to feel a little life inside of you. We continue to pray for you all.
Love, the Wilsons

Anonymous said...

That is great Mel, as you know I have been asking, Has the baby moved yet. So glad the baby is moving.
Love, mom