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3d ultra take !

there she is! 
this is how she spent most of the sessions
sigh.  what amazing wonder to watch your baby!  we had our 2nd session (free!!) this morning and after an hour of not so great pics, we were sent for lunch to come back and have another hour and 30 mins of baby e viewing...for free!
and guess what?
bec the tec at u-c baby was not pleased with the pics, we are going back AGAIN next week for another session!  i can't believe it!  i think the tec and her hubby like us and don't mind having us back

i got more deets on miss e. she has hair, but not a lot. she loves to pout her lips, she is VERY active...feet over face, arms always moving, she likes to play with her fingers, prefers to have her eyes open and loves to kick! and she DID move, like i thought she did last week.  she is head down, back against my tummy with her arms and legs tucked up

and she's BIG!  way bigger than nate.  we could guess her to be a good 3 pounds by now, the tec guessed that she will be well over what nate was at 7 pounds...she's thinking more like 9-10 by the time she is born....again depending when she arrives....

and that would explain my weight gain


so there ya go, 3 more pics of miss e!


wk-eigenheer said...

Thank you Melanie for the picture. What a wonder to wache. Love you all. Muetti

Julia Davis said...

wow, these 3d ultrasound pictures always amaze me. congratulations!!!