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last day before the flood

 the rain is coming! starting tonight and carrying forward until sat at the earliest...sigh...i took the day 'off' and spent most of it with nate outside, him playing with the neighbours. me reading. then we went to a new park that i found sun night. nate loves this one....see the chair above, he sits on and spins until her gets sick. fun stuff and times i tell ya!
then it was snack time. in the sun. what's his choice for snack today?  a bag of steamed veggies. ha. he's totally my kid!

nate story

so, mornings are not my friend. never have been and more so not now!  this morning i heard nate go through his good bye things with chris, then come up the stairs and i stayed cosy in my bed waiting for him to jump on me with a "good morning mama. what's for breakfast?" kiss
but it never happened.
i went in search for him and found him in his room
with his stuffed toys, 20 books he was snuggled in bed. reading
i went in and said "why didn't you come and wake me up?"
he said "daddy told me that you need your sleep and that i am not to come into your room until the clock says 00080000 o'clock"
it was 7:30
my heart! i was so pleased that he obeyed and in awe of chris's kindness to me! that i got nate up and let him play video games, in his p.j's, before breaky. i am  such a typical home school mom. hahaha!


Veronique said...

I LOVE this and love Nathaniel.. I just spent the last HOUR catching up on your blogs!! I felt like crying a few times(you'd think I was I missed out on so much that has gone on with you lately :( I've been so busy and have got to go see you soon!! Like this week???? Let me know!! I miss you and missed your 3D pics of little miss missy..ADORABLE!!!!!!!! Ok..I'm going overboard with this comment.... People will think i'm weird.. Then again, Baaaaahhh.. I'll survive! :p Email me!! :D xox

mel said...

bawahhhh you crack me up. check your inbox missy!