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monday's madness!

i met chris for a coffee and we stopped at the park. chris and i were talking and nate was busy by the tree. so i asked him or rather yelled "doodle! whatcha doing?"
his reply? "just killing ants'
what a busy day!  seriously!  the morning was spent running errands and getting groceries. i  love food day! our fridge is stoked and my belly is full! 
i asked nate what he wanted to do in the afternoon, thinking it's only fair and he was very good this am. he said "go to the splash park and have a picnic lunch"
i sat on the bench and froze, it was a bit cooler than yesterday and nate got soaked!
then we had lunch. him sandwich, yop, healthy chips. me. carrots (yum!) pita bread with hummus (super YUM!) an apple and water. perfect picnic lunch
we have a free loader! but they are so cute i've decided to let them stay. we have a mama and a papa robin!!! they made this wicked nest and have 4 little (could be more can't quite count them) blue eggs!!!  i can't wait until they hatch and we have baby robins!  imagine how they would sound!  nate has been educated with the DO NOT TOUCH and the  more famous LEAVE THEM ALONE lecture and takes it very serious
i told him his job is to leave them alone, this works cause nate is very task orientated!


wk-eigenheer said...

Our 4 baby birds just flow out of the nest.The nest was on top of the porch lamp. It is so interesting to observe the feeding habits. One bird was the favored or dominant one and flow out of the nest 4 days bevor the others. Enjoy God's creation in action!! Love Muetti