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i've had a day! i was peeking around on you tube trying to find an old video and low and behold i discovered this one of our pastors from yrs was what i needed to hear...thought i would share it in case you are having a day too! sigh...from flour all over the floor/cupboards/counters AFTER i cleaned the floor to a hormonal melt down, to major indigestion and gas to wicked pain in the belly to a cranky son who needs a nap to...this and all adds up to me turning into a wreck. good news is's not how you start it's how you finish....even if you can't fit into your cloths....!
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6:36 PM
i am a 40 something gal who is hitched to her bestie and together we are raising our kidlets to do great things. this blog is a lot like me, its about everything and anything and all over the place!
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